
The objective is to automate the gathering of cooperate data via email and the import / export of spreadsheets from different systems such as ePRIME (also known as the NATO database), and to also enable activities such as data analysis and reporting that are being currently done manually.

The entire process is time consuming, prone to human errors and has very little to no overview on how/who/which/when data is captured/gathered. Not to mention reporting. So, the goal is to simply replace the manual process of gathering, analyzing and reporting of cooperate data.

Collect-Analyse-Share (CASA) is a cloud-based web application solution that will help automate, analyze, share and seamlessly report on the corporate data captured by relevant stakeholders. Upon completion, the solution will be deployed on the NATO Unclassified (NU) network to start automating the gathering, analyzing and reporting of corporate data from and to all NATO entities and allies.

So, given that CASA have the ability to capture data directly from all stakeholders, it seamlessly collates the data into a single database and kicks-off data analysis and report production. It also enables users to the download required data and reports.

Of course, for security and tracking purposes, all NATO end users must login with their CASA credentials via NU network, through terminals located within the NATO entities and National locations. It’s also imperative to mention that the system has the capacity handle a large number of users accessing the system concurrently.

Implementing CASA for use by NATO entities and allies will save a time, reduce human errors in the process of collating data and create a required database, and enable the generation of the necessary reports. All of this will allow access to the database and the acquisition of current, required information in very short time by all users.