Project Mercury in AIRCOM Day One
Day one; done! NATO cohort 1 has taken off into their jumpstart to the Project Mercury Innovators Forum course. During the day we had an inspiring lecture by prof. Dr. Jeff DeGraff, after which dr. W. Ethan Eagle🔴🟡 guided the teams through three first exercises:…
Project Mercury for NATO in AIRCOM
From Poland we move on to Germany… Today we kicked off the next collaboration between NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT) and the Project Mercury Innovators Forum! Shout out to our very own coaches Bart Hollants & Jeroen Franssen, our previous Project Mercury alumni (Thomas Belka,…
ProjectMercury at the Eastern flank closes.
It’s a wrap! The workshop “Innovators on the Eastern Flank” was a great success. Workshops like these are crucial in building the NATO innovation community and expand the NATO Innovation Network. Many thanks to our Polish hosts and the Project Mercury team! On to the…
Project Mercury at the Eastern Flank
And we’re off! NATOs Innovation Hub and the Innovatrium kicked off the workshop “Innovators on the Eastern Flank” in Warsaw today (25 Jun 2024). During the three-day workshop, we will deep dive into innovation, focusing on the eastern flank of NATO, kickstarting innovative and creative…