Issues With The Mobile Apps
NI2CE is experiencing issues on the mobile applications. We are working hard to solve these problems. An updated version has been created by the company and we’re now waiting on Apple & Google to accept this into the application stores. More news to follow.
What Is A Remarkable Tablet?!
Just as the name sounds … the remarkable tablet is amazing, and it has come here to stay and innovate. Hence, the NATO Innovation HUB thought they give it some attention and see what it has to offer? Interestingly, they were astonished as it was…
Innovating With 3D Printing @ NATO ACT Innovation Hub
Out of curiosity and insights, an intern from Germany at the NATO Innovative Hub decided to check out 3D printers. To be honest, it’s no secret that the manufacturing industry is undergoing a massive change as 3D printing elevates manufacturers’ imaginations whilst bringing other creative…
Convergence Of Creators At The 2023 AMCL Symposium
The Association of Marine Corps Logisticians (AMCL) Symposium is indeed an environment to find like minds that aligns with some of NATO ACT’s objectives. Not only because the themes for this year’s symposium included emerging technology, digital transformation, innovation culture & mindset, and public-private partnerships,…