Our comprehensive suite of ongoing and completed projects created by the Innovation Hub. Click here to read more on how we create these.
JEDI: NATO Enterprise Data Infrastrcture Tool
With JEDI, JTAC currencies and qualifications tracking can be standardized across all nations. This will improve communication within individual nations and within NATO. JEDI offers a reliable way to access and store data, eliminating the manual work associated with calculating a JTAC’s qualification.
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- Status: On production in use by nations
- User Group: Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTAC) and all supervisors
OCAT: Observation, Collection and Analysis Tool
The Observation, Collection, and Analysis Tool, or “OCAT,” allows Staff Officers to easily record observations in the field or during a planned exercise within open and/or restricted networks. It is deployed locally and designed to be used in any environment.
Digital tools are accessible in any network environment that can be deployed offline and online.
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- Client: Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC)
- Status: On production
- User Group: NATO Community
AI CLAIRE: AI Content Learning Alerts and Insights Review
The AI Content Learning Alerts and Insights Review (AI CLAIRE) is a searchable database of unclassified information on a wide range of subjects that scans a variety of vetted sources for content.
Unlike searching the World Wide Web, AI CLAIRE distills relevant information for users in a manner that is easy to scan and alerts users when new information becomes available about a topic they have expressed interest in.
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- Client: NATO Standardization Office (NSO)
- Status: MVP in testing
- User Group: NATO business users
NI2CE Messenger
NI2CE is a freeware, cross-platform, centralized instant messaging and voice-over-IP service owned by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). It allows NATO business users access to send text, voice messages, and video messages, make voice and video calls, and share images, documents, user locations, and other content.
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- Client: NATO Community
- Status: On production in use by nations
- User Group: NATO business users
ADV: Allied Digital Vault
This is a community and Asset Library for NATO and Alliance engineers, designers, and marketers. It is intended to reduce redundant asset creation by sharing within the community.
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- Client: NATO HQ SACT
- Status: Prototype
- User Group: Looking for users
File Exchange
File transfer cloud service, built as a spin-off from the Allied Digital Vault product, provides NATO employees with a common, safe, and reliable platform that can also be used during TDY.
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- Client: Innovation Hub
- Status: On production
- User Group: NATO ACT community
WhiSPR: White Shipping Picture Recognition
NATO’s Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) is responsible for live exercises that occur in and near busy shipping lanes. WhiSPR will support the safe execution of MARCOM exercises & operations by providing the shared awareness needed to enable NATO Shipping Centre (NSC) personnel and augmentees to safely guide merchant and civilian ships around the exercise & operations areas.
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- Status: In development
- User Group: NATO Shipping Centre (NSC)
NeNA: NATO e-Learning Network Application
In order to safeguard the freedom and security of its members, the Alliance must maintain the capabilities to prevent, detect, deter and defend against any threat of aggression. For this reason, NATO conducts education and training programmes to increase cohesion, effectiveness and readiness of its multinational forces.
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- Client: NATO ACT
- Status: In use by nations
- User Group: NATO Community
NOCMB: NATO Operations Collection Management Bridge
NATO Operations Collection Management Bridge (NOCMB) is a platform for efficient intellection collection management, providing an opportunity to address Intelligence CM challenges innovatively, incorporating lessons from recent work with the CM community, and developing new features to connect tasks and products.
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- Client: SHAPE Mons (BE), JFC Brunssum (NL), JFC Naples (Italy), JFC Norfolk (USA-VA), AIRCOM Ramstein, MARCOM Northwood (UK), LANDCOM Izmir
- Status: On production
- User Group: CM Staff Members
TACOMA: Tactical Coordination of Movements in the Alliance
Tactical Coordination of Movements in the Alliance (TACOMA) TACOMA is a web application that replaces the legacy tools used by NMI for the coordination of movements. It centralizes and improves the process by implementing the complete chain of movement planning, from request to plan generation. By optimizing the resources and simplifying the coordination, TACOMA maximizes the opportunities for NMI advisors to meet with their local interlocutors.
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- Client: NATO Mission Iraq (NMI)
- Status: In NCIA approval process
- User Group: NATO Community in similar mission
RoCK: Repository of Capabilities Knowledge
RoCK is a cloud-based web application solution designed to enable users to collect, manage, and analyze military capabilities data based on the NATO Nations’ Order of Battle (ORBAT).
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- Status: Development completed
- User Group: LANDCOM, AIRCOM, MARCOM, Space, Cyber Defence and Speical Forces, SHAPE, and Logisitic Staff Officers
CASA: Collect-Analyse-Share Application
CASA is a cloud-based web application implemented to transform how NATO handles cooperative data. It acts as a centralized platform for data related to projects and events, facilitating efficient management, analysis, reporting and sharing among relevant stakeholders.
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- Client: NATO ACT
- Status: On production
- User Group: NATO ACT Community
iHELP: Intelligent Holistic Emergency Logistics Platform
Responding quickly with the right resources can reduce a potentail mass casualty event to a more manageable crisis. ACT developed a iHELP, a web-based software system that allows dozens of nations coordinate supplies, transport, and materiel so that Allies remain always prepared.
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- Client: NATO ACT
- Status: Completed
- User Group: NATO Entities
One of the challenges presented by Allied Air Command was Tanker planning. The methodologies employed to service airborne refuelling requirements during operations were personnel intensive and required hours of planning. JIGSAW and was designed by the United States Department of Defence.
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- Status: Completed
- User Group: NATO Entities
Resilience: Data Analytics MVP
A data-science based tool, to improve civil environment and resilience awareness related to the seven baseline requirements of resilience for NATO JFC Brunssum.
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- Client: NATO ACT
- Status: Completed
- User Group: NATO Data Science Community
WIN 22: Wargaming Initiative NATO 2022
Audacious Wargaming leverages an Alliance-wide capability to enable NATO’s competitive edge today and into the future through creation, discovery, and exploitation of opportunities in a fail-safe environment, and establishment of analytical rigor informing all levels of decision-making.
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- Client: NATO ACT
- Status: In use by nations
- User Group: NATO Strategic Commands
TEXAS: The Tasking, Exploitation, Assessmen System
A planning tool that assigns and manages allied intelligence gathering. Commanders can now task assets and get information quickly to make critical decisions on the battlefield.
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- Status: Completed
- User Group: NATO ACT
AWARE: Automated Web Analyzer, Raker, and Exploiter
AWARE improves operational environment understanding and decision making by aggregating, enriching, and visualising data collected from open sources, facilitated by data science methods including machine learning, natural language processing and advanced analytics.
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- Client: NATO ACT
- Status: On production in use by nations
- User Group: NATO Entities
CySAS: Cyberspace Situational Awareness System
Threats in cyberspace are becoming more frequent, sophisticated, and destructive, with consequences that extend far beyond the virtual.
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- Client: NATO Strategic Commands
- Status: On production in use by nations
- User Group: NATO DevSecOps
MMp: Medical Management Prototype
Joint project between the Innovation and Medical Branches of ACT. Established in 2019 ACT with the support of the user community and collaboration with NCIA.
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- Client: NATO ACT
- Status: Prototype
- User Group: Medical Branches of ACT
Details Coming Soon
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